We have thought long and hard about the packaging for our leafy greens and micro greens - we want to eliminate the use of single-use plastic, so have chosen the following solutions..
For Leafy Greens, depending on availability, we will use either a returnable cotton bag or a compostable "plastic" bag primarily made from plant starches. Neither option keeps greens as effectively as the ubiquitous plastic bag, so here are some Instructions for Keeping Your Groovy Greens Fresh!
Organic Cotton Bags - we recommend either re-packaging your greens into an almost airtight* container or simply mist the cotton bag with water and place into an airtight container in the fridge. Keep the bags moist by misting occasionally. Once your greens are finished, air out the bag and bring it back on your next visit and we will sanitize and wash them for reuse.
* Almost airtight means that your greens still need some oxygen - we tested greens in an absolutely airtight silicone bag and the results were not good! So a plastic or glass container (whatever you use to keep leftovers in) is fine, there are also purpose made greens keepers that work pretty well.
Compostable "Plastic" Bags - we recommend re-packaging your greens as soon as possible into an almost airtight* container in the fridge. The compostable bags are more permeable than regular HDPE bags and the greens dry out quicker. You will see we have included a paper towel in the bags - this is to regulate moisture, you can leave this in when you re-package. You can mist this down to provide more moisture to your greens if they start to dry out. The compostable bags are rated to breakdown in home compost bins (Groovy Greens tested to be true!) so you can use them to collect other compostables before placing in your compost bin. If you don't have a compost bin at home yet then you can ask us how to start one or attend our workshop on composting (see Gardening Classes) and/or bring back the bags and we will compost them for you.
Microgreens grown on hemp mats and sold alive with roots in returnable plastic containers (so your counter doesn't get wet). Your microgreens can be kept in these containers on your kitchen counter - just cut as and when you need them. They are best eaten fresh but if you water them gently, they will keep for up to two weeks. The containers are returnable (deposit payable). Other containers work too! If you happen to purchase mushrooms in small rectangular plastic containers you can bring these in and we will re-use them & you won't have to pay a deposit!
In a further effort to reduce our packaging waste we are participating in TerraCycle's Rubbermaid Food Storage Recycling Program. This program is extended to our customers, so if you have excess used plastic food containers (do not have to be Rubbermaid brand), please bring them in and we will send them off for recycling. (These containers often are not recycled by municipal recycling programs).
Photo: TerraCycle
If you are not fully satisfied with your purchase 😝 you can have a replacement from the following week's harvest or we will refund your money. Please return them to us and we will feed them to our worms!
Our Groovy Greens are harvested fresh each week!
pre-order online from Wed @ noon til Fri @ 9am
pick up on Friday 4-6pm or Saturday 9:30-11am
We wish to foster community, and as such, encourage you to visit our farm (see How to Find Us below) pick up your delicious greens between 4-6pm on Fridays or 9:30-11am on Saturdays.
Maybe you'll stay for a chat and meet some new friends.
*If for any reason, you cannot make the pick-up times, please let us know and we are flexible and can usually accommodate different arrangements. Also, if you need delivery, we can likely arrange it. Please add a note at check out or text/call us 484 666 3235.
how to find us
3235 Route 212 (Main Street), Springtown, PA 18081
Turn into driveway by the Painted Earth & Groovy Greens sign